No Multichoice selection feature available for SharePoint fields?

Hi Plumsail,

I have noticed that you guys provide an "out-of-the-box" multichoice selection feature for the drop-down/choice field. However, it seems as though SharePoint doesn't offer this feature.

Is there a way to activate it? I don't really want to add Plumsail fields in the designer to create more clutter for other developers and possibly cause confusion.

This is what I want SharePoints drop-down to have:

Hello @DryChips,

For the SharePoint Choice field that allows multiple values, you can select the display mode in the Control settings:



unfortunately, that doesn't suit my needs as it doesn't look presentable in my form.


The common Multiple Choice field and the SharePoint field that allows multiple selections are based on the same component and looks similar on the form:

Does it look different on your form? How do you want this field to appear one the form?

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