Open Ticket as an admin/helpdeskemployee doens't work correct


since I modified my Helpdesk with new fields I am getting a problem. When I open a Ticket with "EDIT" as an helpdesk staff member, the form opens and the "new" fields and the discussion tab etc. are editable, but the range from Status to tags stays uneditable. It seems the problem ist the "Meldender" so the user who submitted the ticket, because there is a loading circle which never ends (Screenshot).

Any ideas?


when I now click on edit, the following picture arrives:
But the trial should work until

Hello Markus!

Please open the forms of the "Tickets" list for customisation and export all of them. Share the files. Then, restore the default forms by importing the attached ones. You need to import and save each type separately (new, edit, display). Clear the browser cache and check whether the issue persists.

If it does not, then the forms were customised improperly, provide additional information on your use case: the screenshot of the new columns' configuration, their purpose, how you would like them to work on the ticket forms.

If the issue persists, then open the developer tools (F12), select the "Network" tab, press Ctr+R and reproduce the issue. Export the HAR file (in Chrome, it is a button with the arrow down), select the "Console" tab and save all the logs. Share the collected information. Also, specify whether you customised the forms of any other lists on any other sites with Plumsail Forms or used its web part on a SharePoint page.

You can raise a ticket by sending a message to not to expose the requested information. In the message, please refer to this topic.

Ticket_New.xfds (8.7 KB) Ticket_Edit.xfds (11.3 KB) Ticket_Display.xfds (10.3 KB)

Hi Evgeniy,
with the standard-forms, the licnese expired message does not appear and also the loading circle described in screenshot 1 isn't there, so everything works.
I attached the formulas, checking one of them is enough, because the modifications I did are everywhere the same.
Ticket_Display.xfds (26.1 KB) Ticket_New.xfds (24.3 KB) Ticket_Edit.xfds (47.9 KB)

The new columns are mandatory if the field "Category" holds special values. So I want a IF ElseIf Else clause where i display/hide grids containing fields and setting those fields to mandatory if a special value is entered in the category.

For example, if someone choose "Anfrage | Sonstige" we don't know what special information we need, so the employee should only enter a title, the category and the description of his request. But if he choose "Anfrage | Abteilungswechsel" then he also needs to enter the Name of the emploiyee, who will switch the department. In this case the Grid "Mitarbeiterdetails" shall be visible and the fields inside it mandatory:
Those fields.

When you watch the files I uploaded, I guess you understand what I want.

Thank you for the information, Markus! We will research it and keep you posted about further updates.

We could not find anything in the customised forms and reproduce the issue. Let us arrange a screen-sharing session with our developer. I sent you a Calendly link through private message in the Community - please select the time convenient for you.

I hasted to request the screen-sharing session: at the end of the day, the developer managed to reproduce the issue. I will keep you posted about further updates.

Hello Markus! I am sorry for the delay in replying to you. The JS code of your custom forms has syntax errors. Checking of the Forms license could not be performed because of its failure so the error occurred.

Each form contains the same syntax error, there is an extra brace that should be removed:

I corrected the code and attach it to this post. Also, I would advise you either to use code editors before pasting the code in the form or, if you write it in Plumsail Forms, to use online validators before saving the customised form.

new.js (7.8 KB) edit.js (7.8 KB) display.js (7.8 KB)

Oh what a shame. Tank you for resolving this issue which had to do with me and not with your product at all.