Printing the Edit form

We have a fault tracking system, items are updated by the office and then printed to be given out.

The easiest and quickest way to print the form is with Ctrl+P. We print up to 150 a day, so the PDF route is too slow for everyday use.

However, I'm having difficulty formatting the form for printing.

Is there a way to hide the boxes around the controls? The lines between fields should be there, but I'd like to hide the boxes around 'sockets', 'Electrical', 'Activity Centre', etc.

And I can change the font size of the displayed info in text fields (eg Room No/Name), but "Fault Location" is a drop-down, and the font size setting doesn't affect the size of the displayed/printed selection. Is there any way to change the font size of the selected option?

As designed:


Hello @njones,

You can use the below CSS to hide the input borders.

.fd-form input.form-control, .k-autocomplete, .k-dateinput-wrap, .k-dropdown-wrap, .k-picker-wrap, .k-multiselect-wrap, .k-numeric-wrap {
    border-style: none !important;

If you want to apply styling only for PDF document, you need to add .k-pdf-export. For example, if you want to hide the arrow in the drop-down fields image in PDF file use this CSS:

.k-pdf-export .k-dropdown .k-select {
    visibility: hidden;

Please find more information about styling the PDF document in Export any form to PDF article.

And to change the font size of the drop-down controls, please use the following CSS:

.k-input {
    font-size: 20px !important;

Hi mnikitina

Thanks :smile:

That's worked on all of the fields but I've added a multiline text box and that's still showing the box, is there another css code for that?


You are welcome!
To hide the border of the multiline text field please use this CSS:

textarea.form-control.fd-textarea, table.k-widget.k-editor.k-header.k-editor-widget.k-resizable {
    border-style: none;
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That worked, thank you mnikitina

One last thing - I'm trying to make the selected item in Fault Location (a dropdown) print out in a larger font, but none of the settings I've tried seem to work. I've set the font size the same as Room No/Name (text) but when printed Fault Location is the normal size while Room is the correct large font size.

Is there a way to force the dropdown selection to print larger?


Is it a drop-down field or a lookup?
Have you added this CSS in the form?

.k-input {
    font-size: 20px !important;
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Thanks mnikitina

It's a drop-down. That's worked fine, but all the other drop-downs on the form have also had the font size increased. Is there any way to target just one of them?


Yes, for this you need to assign a CSS class in the field Settings >> CSS class, e.g. change-font.

And use this CSS:

.change-font, .change-font span.k-input {
    font-size: 20px !important;
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