Problem calculating "=if" field from xmls

I have a small issue with field calculation.
I generate pdf document from xmls via microsoft form and power automate. Everything is calculated properly apart from one field which is J16. It has an "if" function that is dependant on the J6 field, however for some reason its not doing the calculation. When i received the final form J6 field is populated from the input of the form but J16 is not getting calculated at all

Screen Shot 2022-06-20 at 12.22.53

Thank you

Hi @serge88,

Please share the following docs for us, so we can try to reproduce it and fix if the issue confirmed.

  • the source template
  • the JSON
  • the expected result

You can send the docs to our support mailbox with a reference to this thread.

Best regards,
Plumsail team