Properties not inserted into DOCX footer

I am using the Plumsail Create DOCX document from template Power Automate (Microsoft Flow) connector to create a DOCX document. The footer of my template is:

{{CompanyName}} Page| n Confidential 2020

When I generate a document using this template the {{CompanyName}} in the footer is not replaced with the Company Name. Other uses of {{CompanyName}} in the same template are replaced. Is there anything I can do to inject the Company Name in the footer? If this is a known issue, is there a plan to fix it?

Hello @aradice,

I'll check the issue on my side to confirm the behavior. Could you share the docx sample, please?

Best Regards,
Petr Bushuev
Plumsail team

@Petr stop! Don't do any more on this!

While creating a stripped down template that I could share with you I discovered that the {{CompanyName}} in the document footer was actually a value from a Document Field (the title) which is why it was not being replaced.

Thank you for responding so quickly and I hope you did not spend too much time on this.

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