Read the Excel file and store it in an array for each column


I am in the process of testing something.
I am trying to access an Excel file via the script.
Based on the language of the browser, the corresponding row should be stored in an array.
So if the browser is english, the sharepointfieldname "User_x0020_language" Title should be renamed to User language.
For this I would take two arrays. In the first one it would store the sharepointfieldname and then set it equal to the second array where the title of the respective language is in it.

How can I retrieve the content from the excel file?

Here is already my code how I want to access the file.

window.fd = fd;
window.$ = $;
var imported = document.createElement('language');
imported.src = '';

Here is my code without the excel:

function languageField() {
var sharepointfield = ['User_x0020_language', 'Country_x0020_BP', 'Business_x0020_partner', 'Local_x0020_Tax_x0020_number', 'VAT_x0020_number', 'Natural_x0020_person', 'Selection_x0020_of_x0020_busines',
'Company_x0020_code', 'Division', 'Sales_x0020_organisation', 'Placeholder', 'Name', 'Street', 'House_x0020_number', 'Postal_x0020_code', 'City',
'PO_x0020_Box', 'Postale_x0020_Code_x0020__x0028_', 'Country', 'Telephone', 'Mobile_x0020_phone', 'IBAN_x0020_country','IBAN1', 'Additional_x0020_attachment', 'Attachments_x0020_document_x0020', 'Description'
var de = ['Benutzersprache', 'Land BP','Businesspartner', 'Steuernummer', 'UST. Id. Nr.','Natürliche Person', 'Selektion der Business Partner',
'Buchungskreis', 'Sparte', 'Verkaufsorganisation', 'Platzhalter','Name','Straße','Hausnummer','Postleitzahl','Ort','Postfach','Postleitzahl (Postfach)',
'Land','Telefon','Mobiltelefon','IBAN Land','IBAN','Zusätzliche Anlage','Art des Dokumententyps des Anhangs','Beschreibung'
    if (userLang== 'de-DE'){
        for(var i=0; i < sharepointfield.length; i++){
            fd.field(sharepointfield[i]).title = de[i];

I hope you can help me with this problem.

Dear @Sternchen,
Unfortunately, that's a little beyond the scope of our product as is - the question on how to retrieve data from Excel could be asked on official Microsoft communities for SharePoint/Excel. We can help you place the data onto the form once it's retrieved.

If you're interested, we might be able to offer paid support for this functionality, but we need to research it, let us know the requirements at