I'm trying to add some additional information(totals) to my value Axis and it's seems to be working fine. But i get the following message after exiting the editor.
An Error has occurred during rendering. Please, get more detail in the browser console.
This is the script:
var handlers = {};
handlers.preRender = function(config, logger) {
var categories = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.groups.length; i++){
var groupItems = data.groups[i].items.length;
categories.push(" Priority " + (categories.length*1+1) + ": " + groupItems + "");
var title = categories;
config.legend.labels = title;
config.valueAxis.title = {
text: "YTD Total by Priority: " + categories
return true;
Dear Christian,
As you can see, the code works fine in the preview, but it doesn’t work when the chart is rendered.
The issue is that you are using data from Data Source section inside Dashboard Advanced section. Data is available globally during preview, but it’s not available globally when the chart is placed on a page.
What you need to do, is to define data as window.data in Data Source -> Advanced section, like this:
window.data = data;
Then use only references to window.data in Dashboard -> Advanced section:
var handlers = {};
handlers.preRender = function(config, logger) {
var categories = [];
for(var i = 0; i < window.data.groups.length; i++){
var groupItems = window.data.groups[i].items.length;
categories.push(" Priority " + (categories.length*1+1) + ": " + groupItems + "");
var title = categories;
config.legend.labels = title;
config.valueAxis.title = {
text: "YTD Total by Priority: " + categories
return true;
That should work. Just make sure to define window.data in the appropriate event, after all the others, so it returns the correct data.