Reply doens't show in the ticket


After saving a replying in the ticket, the text doesn’t show that this was added. When you press reply again, you see the previous unsaved message. Also we don’t get any mail from other tickets anymore.

Tips are welcome

Same problem here. I’ve submitted a ticket to the support yesterday and haven’t heard anything back, but there is a major problem with this software currently. We’ve missed countless helpdesk tickets now.


Thank you for your messages.

We are using remote event receivers​ on the list of tickets, comments and contacts. Unfortunatelly, 14-16th of August the work of remote event receivers was not stable. It was related to some works on Microsoft’s side and all SharePoint users might expirience that problem.

On our blog we provided some additional information about remote event receivers.

Regarding the issue, now everything functions again.

We are sorry for the inconvenience, our development team is working on backup messages processing to reduce dependencies on Microsoft API and to move part of logic to our APIs.

We expect the backup to be released it in about 2-2,5 weeks.

You should receive an email message with note about this fix once the release is out.