Restrict quantity in List or Library Control


I have a list or library control on my main form that contains a dropdown called 'Items' that has lookup values. When a user selects 'Face shields' from the Items dropdown, i would like to restrict the value in the 'Quantity' field to 1.

My code isn't working:

fd.spRendered(function() {

fd.control('SPDataTable1').$on('edit', function(editData) {


    name: 'MyCustomValidator2',

    error: '',

    validate: function(value) {

        if (editData.field('Item').value == 'Face shields') {

            if (value >= 1) {

                this.error = 'Please select a quantity of 1';

                return false;



        return true;





Hello @ParAvion,

Lookup field value stores as an object. To get the selected value as a string you should use this code:


Please find more information about the lookup field properties here.

The updated code would be:

 fd.control('SPDataTable1').$on('edit', function(editData) {


        name: 'MyCustomValidator2',

        error: '',

        validate: function(value) {
             //returns the selected element as a string
            if (editData.field('Item').value.LookupValue == 'Face shields') {

                if (value >= 1) {

                    this.error = 'Please select a quantity of 1';

                    return false;



            return true;





I was never able to get this working. Any ideas?



Are you getting any errors in the browser console(F12)?

Please share the complete code that you are using.