Save only one field in the item

Is it possible from the Plumsail form to save not the whole SharePoint list item, but only one field?
The case is that when a project is initiated, several resource managers (heads of departments) are notified to appoint the executors who will be part of the project team. In the SharePoint list each Department has its own People field. The process is parallel, ie several users open the form simultaneously. User 1 saved something in People 1. User 2 opened the form we assume that at the same time as User 1, he completed People 2 (but in the form the field People 1 it was incomplete because he opened the form until saved by User 1) . Thus, User 2, saving the field People 2, overwrites the field People 1, ie practically deletes the data entered by User 1.
We could keep this data in another list by completing it with the List & Library Control tool, but the process would be much more complicated and we wonder if there is no simpler solution.
Thank you

Hello @Cumatale,

You can update only one specific field with PNPjs request. For instance, replace the default save button with a custom one, and add run this code on button click:

  Title: fd.field('Title').value
}).then(function() {

Thank you, Margarita!

I checked and for the text fields like "Title" is all right.
But how can I update the Single and Multiple People fields. I tried the code below, but without success:

Title: fd.field('Title').value,
SinglePeople: fd.field('SinglePeople').value,
MultiplePeople: fd.field('MultiplePeople').value
}).then(function() {

Thank you!