Share point Date and time field is not working on the plumsail form

Hi @mnikitina ,

I have a SharePoint field that I am populating in the form and it gives this error.

Thanks in advance

Hi @navpreet.kaur,

This could be caused by incorrect date format. Could you share the code you use to populate the field?

Hi @IliaLazarevskii , Below is the codes
fd.field('EventDate').value = new Date();

name: 'EventDateNoSchedulingDay',
error:'Can not schedule on Monday or Friday',

        validate: function(value) {
           // console.log('value',value)
           var nowTest=new Date(value);
          //  console.log('value',nowTest)
          //    console.log('value',nowTest.getDay())

                 if(nowTest.getDay().toString() == 1 || nowTest.getDay().toString() == 5) 
                    return false;
                 else return true;

Hi @navpreet.kaur,

I don't see anything that could cause this issue in the code snippet. Could you share all code from the form?

It would also help a lot to see a screenshot of the filled-in form before it throws the error.