SharePoint Column Formatting in List or Library Control - Possible?

Continuing the discussion from Latest news and updates on Forms for SharePoint Online:

If we have already used the built-in functionality of formatting columns in a SharePoint list using json, is there any way to get that same formatting to apply in the List or Library control on a form, or must we do it with JavaScript in the manner described in the linked article (How to customize view of columns in List or Library control)?

Hello @ShareSquared,

To change the view of the List or Library control you need to follow instructions from How to customize view of columns in List or Library contro article.


Are there any plans to enable in Plumsail Forms the custom View and Column Formatting that we do (with json) in SharePoint? With this, we wouldn't need to do custom formatting in two different places with two different methods...

Hello @ShareSquared,

Unfortunately, no. You can change the formatting of any element on the form only using JavaScript code or CSS.