SharePoint List Image Column Type


I have images stored in a few columns in a sharepoint list. I wish to include the images using the create DOCX Document from Template in Power Automate, but I can not do this
When I look at the sharepoint list, I see a little thumbnail of the picture, but I can not see any reference to the image column in the power automate to work with the image.

I have used Plumsail Forms to upload the images into the Sharepoint list and up to the merging all it works great.

Any advice will be appreciated.

Hello Hugh! Unfortunately, the SharePoint connector does not support the image column to return its content. Perhaps, you could save the images as attachments of the items and then get their contents in Power Automate.

Hugh, it is possible to retrieve the value of the image column using an HTTP request to SharePoint. Here is example:


It will return the object as follows:

    "d": {
        "results": [
                "__metadata": {
                    "id": "7e8ac603-fc73-49e9-8cc9-3bc5c225022c",
                    "uri": "'74817c63-700c-4cb9-a0c0-5ca75100aca7')/Items(1)",
                    "etag": "\"15\"",
                    "type": "SP.Data.BlankListListItem"
                "ImageColumn": "{\"type\":\"thumbnail\",\"fileName\":\"image.png\",\"nativeFile\":{},\"fieldName\":\"ImageColumn\",\"serverUrl\":\"\",\"serverRelativeUrl\":\"/sites/e5evgevs/SiteAssets/Lists/74817c63-700c-4cb9-a0c0-5ca75100aca7/image.png\",\"id\":\"bed06ab4-9308-42c4-ac6e-383280f2b8e5\"}"

You can parse the output as JSON and get the image content by a composed URL with the accordant SharePoint action. Please let me know whether you need help with this.

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I was able to do this

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