Sorting a Datatable

Is there a way to sort a datatable by column? I have tried:
fd.control('SOWTable').widget.dataSource._sort = {field: "ItemCategory", dir: "asc"};
I do not get an error but do not get the desired result.

Hello @cwalter2,

Please try out this code:

fd.control('DataTable1').widget.dataSource.sort( { field: "Column1", dir: "asc" });

//clears sorting
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Is it also possible to save the datatable sorted (on two columns) to the SharePoint field?
(I found some code to sort the data in the SharePoint field, but the result is every time overwritten)

Thank you,


var sort_by;
var hours = ;

// sort utility functions
var default_cmp = function(a, b) {
if (a == b) return 0;
return a < b ? -1 : 1;
getCmpFunc = function(primer, reverse) {
var cmp = default_cmp;
if (primer) {
cmp = function(a, b) {
return default_cmp(primer(a), primer(b));
if (reverse) {
return function(a, b) {
return -1 * cmp(a, b);
return cmp;

// actual implementation
function sort_by() {
    var fields = [],
        n_fields = arguments.length,
        field, name, reverse, cmp;

    // preprocess sorting options
    for (var i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) {
        field = arguments[i];
        if (typeof field === 'string') {
            name = field;
            cmp = default_cmp;
        else {
            name =;
            cmp = getCmpFunc(field.primer, field.reverse);
            name: name,
            cmp: cmp

    return function(A, B) {
        var a, b, name, cmp, result;
        for (var i = 0, l = n_fields; i < l; i++) {
            result = 0;
            field = fields[i];
            name =;
            cmp = field.cmp;

            result = cmp(A[name], B[name]);
            if (result !== 0) break;
        return result;

hours = JSON.parse(fd.field('SPfield').value);
hours.sort(sort_by('Dag', {
name: 'Open',
primer: parseInt,
reverse: false

fd.field('SPfield').value = JSON.stringify(hours);

Hello @danieljr,

You need to re-write the DataTable control with the sorted data, not the field that stores it's value.

function sortAscending( a, b ) {
  if ( a.Column1 < b.Column1 ){
    return -1;
  if ( a.Column1 > b.Column1 ){
    return 1;
  return 0;

var sorted = fd.control('DataTable1').value.sort(sortAscending);
//clear DataTable
//add sorted data to the control
fd.control('DataTable1').value = sorted;
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