Style Wizard Icons


I saw an image where you can style the Wizards. Please see the image below...

I want make the wizard circles slightly thicker in my form and change the styling of the numbers as well!
I'm using the Plumsail Application to design my forms.


Hello @DryChips,

You can change styling of any element using the CSS. To change the border thickness and icon size use this code: .wizard-icon-circle {
    border-width: thick;

.wizard-icon {
    font-weight: 800;
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Great! Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

How can I change the text styling for the wizards?

I put this code into my CSS and it's not working: .wizard-icon-circle {
border-width: thick;
font-weight: bold;

.wizard-icon {
font-weight: 800;


What text styling do you want to change? The wizard icon or the step content?

Also note that font-style:10; is invalid property. Learn more about the property and its options here:

Hi @mnikitina,

Thanks for that.

I want to change the font and text family for this..


Hello @Qman,

You can change the step styling using this CSS: {
    font-size: 18px;
    font-family: serif;

Awesome, thanks a lot!