Summing Negative Items in Related List View


I have a SharePoint form with a List object on it that allows users to add related items and their cost. Using code I found in a previous post on here(thanks!), I was able to satisfy a business requirement to sum the cost of each item in the list view and enter that value into a field on the form. This was working great, until today when I was told by the business that some items would have negative values. In it's current state if someone enters one item for $1000 and another for -$1000 the total field shows $2000 instead of $0. I tried adding my own logic to subtract if the value was negative, but that doesn't seem to be work.

for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){

 valueTC = parseFloat(items[i].FCRTotalCost.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ""));
     if (Math.sign(valueTC) > 0) {
         totalTC += valueTC;
     } else {
         totalTC -= valueTC;

I'm assuming it has something to do with the parseFloat line since when I step through it in the browser debugger the item shows a value of ($1000) but valueTC evaluates to 1000.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!


Hello @mkorek,

You can try out using another Regex expression. like this:

parseFloat(items[i].FCRTotalCost.replace(/[^0-9.-]+/g, '')

Hi @mnikitina ,

Thank you for the response!

I've tried updating my code to use your Regex expression, but negative numbers are still coming through as positive. So if I have one item where FCRTotalCost is 1000 and another item where FCRTotalCost is -1000, it's still evaluating to 2000 instead of 0.



I suppose that you've updated just the Regex expression. As negative numbers are working now, you need to remove this part of the code:

     if (Math.sign(valueTC) > 0) {
         totalTC += valueTC;
     } else {
         totalTC -= valueTC;

The final code should be this:

for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){

 totalTC += parseFloat(items[i].FCRTotalCost.replace(/[^0-9.-]+/g, ''));



Sorry, I probably didn't make this very clear in my response. The negative numbers are still evaluating to positive after updating the Regex expression.

Thank you for the response,



Thank you for the screenshot, that makes sense now.

You need to get this value:

And you won't need to remove any special signs.

for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){

 totalTC += parseFloat(items[i]['FCRTotalCost.']);



That worked perfectly! Thank you!!!

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