Switch content type or wizard screen on button press

Hey - I'm using a wizard container to walk users through form submission, and are using the first wizard tab to redirect between content types. We're trying to make it super easy for users by having the first tab on both forms be a "Pick your Content Type" button selection with two buttons - one button continues to the next tab, the other redirects to the second tab of the other form.


  1. User opens New form & lands on wizard tab 1 for content type A (or content type B... I can build it either way after I get one content type down)
  2. User is prompted with 2 buttons: either move to wizard tab 2 of content type A or navigate to wizard tab 2 of content type B

I'm stuck on the JavaScript for it & haven't been able to figure it out from the documentation or existing community. Can anyone help?

Quick update, I finally figured out fd.field('ContentType').value = "0x0..etc." to switch content types on button press, and I found the fd.container('Wizard1').widget.changeTab(0,1); to change the tab, but not to redirect to a specific tab on the wizard on another content type.

I guess another option would be to just hide the whole wizard container until one of the buttons is pressed, but I'm not getting anywhere on that either.

Dear @Gabegia,
You can always try this:

//opens the second step