Sync Email (Exchange) with List

I am following the instructions that help you create a ticketing system inside SharePoint using a list. After creating the Sync Exchange with List workflow section, I go to start my workflow, and it fails after about 30 seconds.

Looking at the history of the workflow, I can see there was an exception thrown to the tune of “Exception: Exchange Server doesn’t support the requested version.” I have downloaded and installed the EWS API 2.2 as I was having some previous issues with the workflow not trying to communicate with our Exchange server.

I also tried searching on this issue, but there is not a lot of help out there due to the fact of this being a unique product, but I did come across an article where the ExchangeService that is created/started tries to start with Exchange version 2013. We are currently running Exchange Server 2010, and I’m wondering if that could be a problem?
Here is a link to the webpage: … ed-version

Trevor Bensen


Yes, I suppose the issue in the old Exchange server.
I would recommend you to use IMAP protocol to sync emails.