Synchronizing Form Field Title from Colunm DisplayName

Whn we design first time a form, we can insert a field from the list of available columns of the attached list.
In this action, it create the field based on StaticName and set the Title based on DisplayName...OK

But, if the user change the Display Name of a column in the list, how can this change be forwarded in the form ?



Dear @educos35,
Well, if you change field name in List Settings -> Column Settings:
You'll only need to open the form, delete and add the field back.

If you change the name in modern UI via list view, rename - this will only affect the List View, not the field on the form.

You can always open the form and change title of the field manually.


Hum..ok, I think that I did not explained correctly the need.

The form is designed on one development site with some column defined as generic on some list. And these fields appear on the form.

Then the form is provisionned on more that a hundred site (using API)...but on some of these sites, the column generic displayname is changed for the need of the specific project. We cannot take what you says into account....the process of site creation and provisioning is automatic...we cannot spend time to reopen forms in the specific site to change the title...the automatic site creation would have then no sense !!

We presented the plumsail form as an improvment of standard modern sharepoint form. On the standard form, if you change a column display name, the title is changed in the sharepoint form without doing anything. It seems to be normal that this behaviour would exist on the plumsail form (for exemple, if the title is not chenged in the design, then the defautl title is taken from the colum display name)


Dear @educos35,
Thank you for the feedback and the explanation. How this currently is very basic and it's an old system - the titles are stored in the form's schema, and need to be updated before they change on the form.

I do agree that this needs to be adjusted in the future, and modernized, so the titles automatically switch if they were left default, but this is not going to happen in the nearest. It's going to take us some time to get to implementation.

Since you are going to be provisioning forms, this will require you to export the form schema, and it's stored as text in .xfds files. What you can do is programatically search and replace field name in the schema, before publishing a form - that should be possible and relatively easy to do.