Time is off, update timezone

We just started using HelpDesk and I have started to notice that the time is off. I have noticed that the time created and the time stamp in the history are 3 hours off. I would guess that the created time is what is incorrect because some of the tickets have a created time at 4:45AM and I know that no one was submitting tickets so early in the morning. I am not sure if it is as easy as changing the time zone somewhere.

Hi @MLopata,
Please let us know the HelpDesk version you're using ("Setting" -> "About").
Also, please try creating a new ticket and note the time in the "Created" field and in the Ticket history. Is it different for all the tickets? Which one (if any) is correct for your time settings? Also, please let us know your time zone that is set on your HelpDesk site ("Site Settings" -> "Reginal Settings"). Also, please make sure this setting is correct and in fact points to your current time zone.