Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'DottedLineManagerIds' of null

We are using OrgChart based on a sharepoint list. since couple day we are facing a bug, and the app is stuck on loading with this js error : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'DottedLineManagerIds' of null. It's that impossible to drill to the second level. We are not using dotted manager. but even if I select a field for dotted manager, we still having the same problem. Is it related to the version of the app ? any ideas ?
Here you can find the detail of the error and the configuration :

Hi @Nizar
The error message from the first screenshot refers to an error if Custom JS execution.
Is there a chance you're using some Custom JS code on the "Custom JavaScript" tab that may refer to the Dotted-Line Managers?
Please try to temporarily remove all custom JS code if you have some and reload.

If there's a problem with your code, please send it to us. In case there is some sensitive info, you can drop a message to support@plumsail.com (please refer to this thread ).