Use Lookup control from List A to access the Person Field value from List B

Hi there,

I created a list B containing a Person Field to access the co-workers in the company, I want to use the Lookup control from List A to access the Person Field in List B.

However, I can't seem to achieve that in SharePoint List, as I don't see the Person Field ( see image below) being shown when creating the Lookup Control in List A to access data in List B.

Please refer below as my List B/ NCR Recipients

When creating lookup control in List A shown below, I don't see the column "recipients" being shown.


Please advise,

Hello @jyou,

SharePoint doesn't support lookup to Person or Group field. But you can select fields that also need to be loaded, including Person field, in the designer with Expand and Extra Fields properties.

Specify the internal name of the field in Expand property, and to get a user display name add /Title to the internal name in the Extra Fields property.

Then, you can get the user name of the Person or Group column using the code:

fd.field('LookupFieldName').$on('change', function(value){

You can find more information about properties in the documentation here:

And in the video:

@mnikitina Thanks a lot for your reply :slight_smile:

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