Validation of Fields

I am running this validation between two fields. Origin and Destination.

 fd.spRendered(function () {
        name: 'Origin',
        error: 'This is a domestic travel. Please close and submit a domestic travel request.',
            if(fd.field('Origin').value.lookupvalue == fd.field('Destination').value.lookupvalue ){
                return false;
            return true;

It returns the error when the same country is selected. However, it does not refresh when I select another country.

For example:
In Destination: I selected Angola.
In Origin: I selected Angola again.
I got the correct error. "This is a domestic travel. Please close and submit a domestic travel request"

When I changed the Origin to Aruba, I still have the error. It does not refresh.

Can you please help me? Thank you!

Dear @Jamail_Serio,
So, the error does not refresh, but are you able to save the form after changing the Origin or not?

I cannot save the save the form because of the error message.

Dear @Jamail_Serio,
Okay, then, please, try the following code and show me the message that you get on save:

fd.spRendered(function () {
        name: 'Origin',
        error: 'This is a domestic travel. Please close and submit a domestic travel request.',
            var origin = fd.field('Origin').value.lookupvalue;
            var dest = fd.field('Destination').value.lookupvalue;
            var message = 'Field: ' + value.lookupvalue + '\n Origin: ' + origin + '\n Destination: ' + dest;
            if(origin == dest){
                return false;
            return true;