Some user reports problem with new button for add items in list doesnt render things properly. Also there was a problem when forms mode was in Fullscreen and not panel They was not able to add anything new into list, but we use them on many sites and there isnt such a problem.
Dear @Patrik,
Looks like something is not loading right in the List View. To analyze it, could you record HAR network log and send it to
Thank you for the logs! We haven't been able to reproduce the issue so far.
Could you create a new list with several content types and folder creation enabled to check if it works fine? Please try it both with Plumsail Forms enabled for the list and with them disabled.
But it happens when i added new content type based on folder.
Structure in list was default folder in that folder was that newly added folder with content type and user had permision to read list and only could add items in that specific content type folder.
Could you please provide a screen recording + HAR file - with default forms and with custom forms from an affected user: start recording with preserved logs, refresh the list, expand the content types list.