Lookup filtering by name

Hi, is there any posibility to filter lookup based on what I type in?
I have lookup connected to external list with all employees, but I cant figure it aout how to filter those employees, so I would't have to scroll them all the way.

Maybe it's dumb question, but I will apreciate the solution if there is one.
Thanks, Michal.

Hi @Multihunter,

You can filter a lookup based on a different field on your form. Here's how: Filter Lookup by another field: Lookup, Person, Choice — Plumsail SharePoint Forms Documentation

Let me know if this helps.

Yes @IliaLazarevskii , it definetly helped, thanks!
Here is my situation:
I have lookup connected to employee database so I can now find the employee through this column that contains (Surname, First Name and Pin) of all emloyees and now I have another fields that i want to populate from this item like division, branch, country etc.. Any sugestions on that?
Thanks in advance. Michal.

Hi @Multihunter,

You can retrieve extra fields from the list with a Lookup control as described here. Then, access them like this:


(You need to replace extraField with the actual name of the field)

Hi @IliaLazarevskii ,

here are some pictures for better imagination.

When I click on some employee from the lookup I want to fill other fields, so my question is how do I get the access to columns of list of this item that I specified in Extra fields.

Sorry if my question is dumb, but my head is kind of overwhelmed.
Thanks in advance.

You mean something like this?

Hi @Multihunter,

Exactly. You need to use the spRendered() and $on() functions to address the fields on the form like this:

fd.spRendered(() => {
    // update fields whenever the lookup changes
    fd.field('EmployeeLookup').$on('change', () => {
        var FirstName = fd.field('EmployeeLookup').value.first_name; // retrieve the extra field; make sure that you copy the name "first_name" from SharePoint
        fd.field('FirstName').value = FirstName; // set the value of any field to the retrieved extra field

        // handle the rest of the fields here

You can learn more on the topic from our documentation: Lookup field — Plumsail SharePoint Forms Documentation

Hi @IliaLazarevskii ,
I tried as you said, but I'm getting always whis error:

any sugestions? Thx

Here is the URL that I'm fetching:

Hi @Multihunter,

This error could appear either because you're using a lookup control and not a lookup field. If that's the case, please replace fd.field('EmployeeLookup') with fd.control('EmployeeLookup').

Other than that, ensure that the name of the lookup is the same as in the editor.

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Hi @IliaLazarevskii ,
thanks for your patience, now it works perfectly.
Maybe it will be good to correct the documentation about Lookup field.


Here is the code for insipration for others: