Action 'Merge_PDF' failed - Please pass at least two files for merging

Hi - I have a sharepoint document library with word documents. I am trying to convert the docx format files to pdf format before merging them but I am getting an error - Action 'Merge_PDF' failed - Please pass at least two files for merging.

Detailed error log:


"Request": {

"Url": "/flow/v1/Documents/jobs/MergePdf",

"TraceId": "0HMLMISP78NNL:000000B7"


"Error": {

"Code": "Invalid format of the message",

"Message": "Please pass at least two files for merging",

"Date": "2022-10-26T01:45:25.2289933Z"



I have created a flow based on this

Screenshot of the flow:

Why is this failing ?

Hi @sam111,

Please try to remove the brackets and run the flow again

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Thanks - I figured it out eventually.

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