Add Text if field is populated?

Currently i am displaying 4 fields: Name, Position, Current Office and Permanent office. Permanent Office is only populated for a few employees. when the Permanent Office field is populated how can I display: Permanent Office and then the value of the field?


any help is greatly appreciated

Hi @Jeniffer_Rivera,

Switch the Editor mode of your Box template to HTML:

Once the editor is in HTML mode, go ahead and add this snippet of code:

{{#if YourFieldName}}
    <div class="poch-box__field">
        Permanent Office: {{YourFieldName}}

Make sure to replace "YourFieldName" with the actual name of your field.

Hope this helps!

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can this be done based on the specific value of the field? that way if there is one value, you can display one message and if there is another then a different message?

Hi @Jeniffer_Rivera,

Sure, you can do that. You'll have to use custom JavaScript for that though.

Here's an example:

api.onBoxRendered((box, itemData) => {
    let fieldText = 'Permanent Office'
    let department = itemData.Department;
    let $card = $(box.elem).find('.poch-box__fields-container');
    let fieldHTML;

    if (department == 'Marketing Department') {
        fieldHTML = $(`<div class="poch-box__field">${fieldText}: ${department}</div>`);
    } else if (department == 'Financial Department') {
        fieldText = 'Some text';
        fieldHTML = $(`<div class="poch-box__field">${fieldText}: ${department}</div>`);
    if (fieldHTML) {


@a.cox thank you so much. i did try your sample and I changed it to look at another field that is not department and it doesn't seem to work :frowning:

here is my code:

api.onBoxRendered((box, itemData) => {
let fieldText = 'Detailed From'
let DetailOffice = itemData.field_12;

let $card = $(box.elem).find('.poch-box__fields-container');
let fieldHTML;

if (DetailState == 'Internal') {
    fieldHTML = $(`<div class="poch-box__field">${fieldText}: ${DetailOffice}</div>`);
} else if (DetailState == 'External') {
    fieldText = 'Detailed To';
    fieldHTML = $(`<div class="poch-box__field">${fieldText}: ${DetailOffice}</div>`);

if (fieldHTML) {


Hi @Jeniffer_Rivera,

Please try renaming the DetailOffice variable to DetailState as follows and let me know if that helps:

api.onBoxRendered((box, itemData) => {
    let fieldText = 'Detailed From'
    let DetailState = itemData.field_12;
    let $card = $(box.elem).find('.poch-box__fields-container');
    let fieldHTML;
    if (DetailState == 'Internal') {
        fieldHTML = $(`<div class="poch-box__field">${fieldText}: ${DetailState}</div>`);
    } else if (DetailState == 'External') {
        fieldText = 'Detailed To';
        fieldHTML = $(`<div class="poch-box__field">${fieldText}: ${DetailState}</div>`);
    if (fieldHTML) {
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perfect! i had to remove the previous If statement in the design Box Template and that made it work. Thank you so much!

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@a.cox would i be able to reuse this under the api.onTooltipRendered((tooltip, itemData) ?

Hi @Jeniffer_Rivera,

Sure, but the code needs to be slighltly modified:

api.onTooltipRendered((tooltip, itemData) => {
    let fieldText = 'Detailed From'
    let DetailState = itemData.field_12;
    let $tooltip = $(tooltip.elem).find('.poch-tooltip__fields-container');
    let fieldHTML;
    if (DetailState == 'Internal') {
        fieldHTML = $(`<div class="poch-tooltip__field is-size-4">${fieldText}: ${DetailState}</div>`);
    } else if (DetailState == 'External') {
        fieldText = 'Detailed To';
        fieldHTML = $(`<div class="poch-tooltip__field is-size-4">${fieldText}: ${DetailState}</div>`);
    if (fieldHTML) {
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