Automatically open drop-down

Hi there!

Is there a function which opens the drop-down of a Choice/Lookup field automatically?

I've come across forms online where you can search for something and if a value is found, the dropdown pops down and shows all items related to the thing that was searched.

Thank you!

Dear @DryChips,
Not sure if I understand the request, where is it searched? If you search for value in a Choice/Lookup field, it should open up automatically.


If I have a Single Line text field which contains a lookup value. I want to click a button which will do a PnpJS request on the Lookup value in the Single Line Text field. If the API finds the lookup value in another list, then I want the Choice/Lookup field to open and display the value(s) for the user to select.

Dear @DryChips,
Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to open the lookup field this way. The lookup fields only send request when clicked and opened, and they can be used for searching, but if you use another field and send a request - you can get the values, and even save them to lookup field, but not open the field with different values shown.