Blanks appear in SharePoint List Lookup field

HI Plumsail,

I have deployed a form and noticed that blanks appear for some of the SharePoint List lookup fields. This offers a bad user experience when interacting with the list for approvals/rejections.

Do you know what causes this to happen?

The form has a Cost Centre field and subsequent fields (Hosp, Division, Department etc..) that relate to the Cost Centre.

  1. The user enters a Cost Centre and the JavaScript code does a lookup to the SharePoint List to retrieve the values.
  2. if a match is found in the SharePoint list then the department appears in the field. If not, the Cost Centre code field throws an error.



I'm sorry, I don't understand the case.

blanks appear for some of the SharePoint List lookup fields

Which lookup field from the case you've described has blank values?

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