Call 2013 Site WF with input parameters

I am using the Action: “Start site workflow” from one 2013 Site WF, to trigger another 2013 Site WF.
But I must be doing something wrong, because I am not able to transfer input variables to the WF starting.

The calling WF has a Dictionary variable initiated with the following variables:
1. ListeURL - String
2. Varsle - Boolean
3. Prosjektansvarlig - String
The build dictionary (InputParameters) contains data = {“ListeURL”:“ for Geir”,“Varsle”:true,“Prosjektansvarlig”:“Mathisen, Geir”}
And yes; The action properties contains reference to Variable: InputParameters.

The WF to be started has three init form parameters defined:
1. ListeURL - Single line of text
2. Varsle - Yes/No checkbox
3. Prosjektansvarlig - Person or group
None of these parameters contains information when WF is initiated. Log info:
Varsle = False
Ansvarlig =

What am I doing wrong?

I have reproduced your case. It seems like a bug. We will fix it during a day. I will let you know about any updates.

We have updated the product.
You can download last version using following link

Thanks for fast response and immediate action.
New SW solved the problem, and parameters are now passed to starting WF.