I am using the Action: “Start site workflow” from one 2013 Site WF, to trigger another 2013 Site WF.
But I must be doing something wrong, because I am not able to transfer input variables to the WF starting.
The calling WF has a Dictionary variable initiated with the following variables:
1. ListeURL - String
2. Varsle - Boolean
3. Prosjektansvarlig - String
The build dictionary (InputParameters) contains data = {“ListeURL”:“http://intrasite.nn.com/prosjekter/8-Testprosjekt for Geir”,“Varsle”:true,“Prosjektansvarlig”:“Mathisen, Geir”}
And yes; The action properties contains reference to Variable: InputParameters.
The WF to be started has three init form parameters defined:
1. ListeURL - Single line of text
2. Varsle - Yes/No checkbox
3. Prosjektansvarlig - Person or group
None of these parameters contains information when WF is initiated. Log info:
Varsle = False
Ansvarlig =
What am I doing wrong?