Can't open panel from toolbar button

It seems that I cannot open the form from button click even and have this error -

The code looks like this:
fd.toolbar.buttons[1].click = function(){

var listId = fd.spFormCtx.ListAttributes.Id;
var itemId = fd.itemId;
if (fd.isPanel) {
    const formCommands = new window.Plumsail.FormCommands({
        webUrl: fd._formManager._webUrl,
        listId: listId,
        listUrl: fd._formManager._listUrl,
        culture: _spPageContextInfo.currentUICultureName,
        language: _spPageContextInfo.currentLanguage,
        componentLoader: window._spComponentLoader
    formCommands.load().then(function() {
            itemId: itemId,
            contentTypeId: fd.contentTypeId,
            formType: "Edit",
            rootFolder: fd.rootFolder
    } else {
        window.location.href =
            + listId + "&ID=" + itemId;

It seems that formCommands.load() is not loading for me, is there a workaround so that I could make "Save" button into "Edit" button but with a possibility of keeping panel open?

Hello @Unknown,

f you want to redirect users to Edit Form and keep the panel opened, you can do that using this code:

fd.spSaved(function(result) {
    var listId = fd.spFormCtx.ListAttributes.Id;
    var itemId = result.Id;
    if (fd.isPanel) {
        const formCommands = new window.Plumsail.FormCommands({
            webUrl: fd._formManager._webUrl,
            listId: listId,
            listUrl: fd._formManager._listUrl,
            culture: _spPageContextInfo.currentUICultureName,
            language: _spPageContextInfo.currentLanguage,
            componentLoader: window._spComponentLoader
        formCommands.load().then(function() {
                itemId: itemId,
                contentTypeId: fd.contentTypeId,
                formType: "Edit",
                rootFolder: fd.rootFolder
        //close original panel

Hiya @Margo

This code doesn't work anymore, since Microsoft forced a change to the list interface, opening panels using your code no longer works.

Do you know the amended code for the new Lists interface?


Hello @Jamal_Smith-Graham, @Unknown,

We've published an update, the code should work now. Please clear the browser cache and test.


Hiya Margo

Sorry for the delayed reply, been on annual leave, you are correct, this has been fixed!

Thanking you much! :slight_smile: