Can't Use hidden SharePoint Userprofile attributes in the org chart (my version < 4.x.x)

Dear community

I am working with MS 365 (on cloud) and using the feature org chart plumsail (< 4.x.x.) and trying to use the filtration for some hidden SharePoint Userprofile attribute. Those attribute cant be seen from SharePoint users, because information such as entrydate have not be made public for everybody.

For inexplicable reasons I can't use those attribute in the filtration. The attributes are listed as field names, but it seems there are no value for the filtration of JS. The attribute do have values. Does someone have a solution to that problem?
It seems, that the filtration only works on values which are shown to all sharepoint users. For hidden SharePoint Userprofile attribute, the org chart has problems to handle it.


Additional information on those hidden attributes:
The hidden attributes are additional attributes, which will be loaded into SharePoint UserProfile on a daily basis and a own Script. Not all the properties from Azure AD are synced to SharePoint Online, and for that reason an own Script was created which puts more attribute like "entrydate" to the profile.

Hello @Fabian,

Could you please share a screenshot of the 'Filtration' tab in your Org Chart configuration wizard? It would also be very helpful if you could show one of these attributes and an example of its value.

If the data is sensitive, please send it to with a reference to this thread.