Clear Text Field when multi-choice radio button deselected

I designed an internal form for Social Media post request. New form opens a form with basic fields and when user selects a social media platform button (a multi-choice radio buttons in a row) a new multi-line text field shows up for the user to type the content they want posted.
I have this working, the only issue is, when user changes their mind and unticks a chosen platform.
I am struggling to clear the filed as using 'Switch' in my current code won't work.
I need to clear the filed when unselected, otherwise the text field is still saved to my Sharepoint list.

I not sure how. I am new to this and working with multi choice values in still a bit unclear to me...
Many many thanks in advance.

My code is as such:

fd.spRendered(function() {

    function clearform(){
        if (fd.formType == 'New'){

    function ShowPlatfuss() {
    fd.field('Platform').$on('change', function (props) {
        for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
            //show fields if the option is selected
            switch (props[i]) {
                case 'LinkedIn':

                case 'Facebook':

                case 'Website':
                case 'Instagram':
                case 'Twitter':
    //hide/show button on form load

    //hide/show button when the user changes the field
    fd.field('Platform').$on('change', ShowPlatfuss);


Hello @HypnoToad,

You can update the code as shown in the example below to show/hide fields depending on the value of a Multiple Choice field and clear it if the user unselects options.

fd.field('MultiChoiceField').$on('change', function(value) {
    if (value.includes('Choice 1')) {
        fd.field('Field1').hidden = false;
    } else {
        fd.field('Field1').hidden = true;
    if (value.includes('Choice 2')) {
        fd.field('Field2').hidden = false;
    } else {
        fd.field('Field2').hidden = true;

This has worked like a charm.
Thank you! Margarita, you are Plumsail's MVP!! The support you guys provide is absolutely A++

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Hi @Margo I am using the above code, it does work but the fist time it does not show the field based on a selection. I have to uncheck and check again to display the field. Any suggestions?


//choice 1
fd.field('Select').$on('change', function(value) {
if (value.includes('Choice 1')) {
fd.field('ChoiceTxt1').hidden = false;
} else {
fd.field('ChoiceTxt1').hidden = true;
if (value.includes('Choice 2')) {
fd.field('ChoiceTxt2').hidden = false;
} else {
fd.field('ChoiceTxt2').hidden = true;
} if (value.includes('Choice 3')) {
fd.field('ChoiceTxt3').hidden = false;
} else {
fd.field('ChoiceTxt3').hidden = true;

Hello @aseem,

Do you mean you want to show fields based on the selected value when the form is loaded?

If so, you need to create a function and call it on from load and when field value changes:

fd.spRendered(function() {

    function hideOrShowFields() {
       //your code here

    // Calling hideOrShowFields when the field value changes

    // Calling hideOrShowFields on form loading


Thanks @mnikitina I am trying this for display form but it is not working, not sure what I am doing wrong here:

fd.spRendered(function() {

function loc () {

    } else  {



On the Display form, you can get the field value using the code:


Thank you this worked!

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