Control of Drop Down Behaviors?

Hello, I am trying to gain better control over the behavior of the Drop Down field in Public Web Forms with the 'Allow user value' set to true.

There are two things I would like to accomplish:

  1. I would like to suppress the automatic dropdown behavior if there is no widget data, so that users can type into the field without the empty popup suggestion box flying out.

  2. I would like to disable the widget from automatically using its first suggestion as the field value. This behavior is documented here: suggest - API Reference - Kendo UI ComboBox - Kendo UI for jQuery ( Basically what I want is for no suggestion to be used unless the user's typed text is an exact match. The way it currently works is that a suggestion is unexpectedly picked when the user has typed a partial match. This subverts the 'Allow user value' option, since the user cannot enter a distinct value when there is a partial match.

For #2, I have tried the suggested jQuery on that page, but it causes the Plumsail field to become hidden.

Any ideas for how to accomplish these?

Thank you in advance!

Well, I figured out how to do #2, and it was simple enough:

    fd.field('myField').widgetOptions = {
        suggest: false,
        highlightFirst: false

Still puzzling over the first issue...

And, the first one was simple too:

    fd.field('myField').widgetOptions = {
        open: function(e) {

This is relevant as we have certain drop down controls that are filled dynamically from Excel worksheets and therefore can contain no data. Suppressing the popup in that case is a more friendly behavior for typists.

Thanks for listening.