Convert DOCX to PDF slow


I’ve used the “Convert DOCX to PDF” action for a while now and it worked well until a week ago when the time to convert the file changes from 10 sec to about 1 min to convert. Is it a known problem or is it the new time it takes to convert?

The “Create docx document from template” action works perfectly, it takes about 7 seconds to complete.

Hello @ErikLm.

I’ve just tested the action in my lab and it works pretty fast: 6 seconds. Yesterday we applied an update. Could you try the action again and let me know how it goes?

Best regards,
Petr Bushuev
Plumsail Team

Thanks for the fast response!
It's pretty unstable i would say, i don't know why.

Hello @ErikLm,

At this moment this is an expected behavior. We will try to reduce the time in the future.

Best regards,
Petr Bushuev
Plumsail Team