Convert docx to PDF

Hi, I am testing plumsail. I have a file word protected by azure information protection label and I would to convert this document into PDF with power automate. When I try to convert this document to PDF I received this error: Cannot open password-protected file.

Is there a possibility to use plumsailto convert files protected with azure information protection?


Hi @alberto,

Currently there is no option to open a file protected DOCX before converting to PDF.

I'll ask the developers if we can add an option to enter a password before converting DOCX to PDF.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hi @alberto,

I clarified the question and unfortunately, it's not possible at the moment.

To decrypt the document we need to know the user credentials.

If you can decrypt it with any other action in Power Automate, then it may be a workaround.

Best regards,
Plumsail team