Copy attachments and space in List URL

Hi and thanks for your time to look into this.

I have a problem with action
Copy attachments to URL

where workflow reports exception:
Can’t find list with URL: /sites/dev/Delte dokumenter

I’ve tried full url, server relative url, and url with space encoded
but action fails to get list url.
Example: … dokumenter
[%Workflow Context:Current Site Url %]Delte dokumenter
[%Workflow Context:Current Site Url %]Delte%20dokumenter

Also I can’t seem to find Plumsail Copy item and Move Item as an Action, but I could create separate post for that I guess.
( This is SharePoint Online / Office 365)

Could you please ensure that ‘Delte dokumenter’ it is a list (not a document library).

Workflow action Copy Attachments to URL works with a list.

if you work with a document library please use Get Items by Query to get documents and after that you can copy it.

[quote=“Roman Rylov”]Could you please ensure that ‘Delte dokumenter’ it is a list (not a document library).

Workflow action Copy Attachments to URL works with a list.

if you work with a document library please use Get Items by Query to get documents and after that you can copy it.[/quote]

Hello, I’m getting the same message.

I’m using the Get Items by Query action with the following parameters:


Customers is a Document Library

I kept the default CAML query, but replaced the string “Test” with [%Parameter: Customer Name%]


I think in your case the URL of the document library can be wrong.
Could you please try to use a Document library’ title instead of URL. If you want to get data from other site, please specify SiteURL at properties of the workflow action.