Copy Current List Item to List


I am trying to copy a recurring calendar item from one calendar to another. The item copies but the recurring data is not coppied. I tried to Update List Item after the initial copy, in the same work flow, but get “” in the Recurrence field but when I look at the updated item, the recurring data fields are set correctly. Am I doing something wrong or is this a known issue?

We’re researching this issue and we’ll get in touch soon.

Best regards,
Andre Lima
Plumsail Team.

First of all, I apologize for not being able to get in touch again sooner.

By default, Workflow Actions Pack can’t deal with recurring events. This is due to how calendars handle recurrence data. As you probably noticed, recurrence data isn’t like a simple field in a list item.

What I recommend you is to try setting the fields “Title”, “RecurrenceData”, “EventType”, “EventDate”, “EndDate”, and “Recurrence” on the new calendar event.

This article talks about it.

Best regards,
Andre Lima
Plumsail Team.