Correct form not opening

I'm on Sharepoint Online with both the latest designer and latest app.

I created some edit, new and displayforms and now i have some strange problem:

Often times when I or other users open the form (click on an item, than click on edit) the default sharepoint form opens. When we then press STRG+F5 and open the form again, the correct PlumsailForm opens.

How can we avoid this? It's very confusing for the users.

Hi @JonHebbe,

Could you make a screen recording of the issue along with a HAR file and send it our way at

Here's how to record a HAR file: Troubleshooting Plumsail Forms for SharePoint Online in Microsoft 365 — Plumsail SharePoint Forms Documentation

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Many thanks for your fast answer, i've just sent the files to your support mail.