I have a workflow that copies metadata to another site collection then a workflow in that site collection that creates a library and copies folders from the first site collection. The Workflow in the second site collection would not kick off on creation of the metadata so I'm trying to make it all work from the source site collection. My workflow is failing at the creation of the library in the other site collection, here is what it looks like:
Hi @rniles68,
- What is the error message?
- Does the action work within the same site collection? Could you try to create the Library there?
- Could you try to perform any other action on the target site collection? Does it work or give the same error?
Best regards,
Plumsail team
The error message is:
Yes, I can create a library in the current site collection, that works fine.
On the Target Site Collection I am successful in copying meta data in a list from the source to the target. If I start the workflow in the target site collection with the metadata there, I can copy out the needed folders, but that requires a separate action from the user. In this case if I start the workflow with a new item, that action does not work automatically.
Hi @rniles68,
The action has the parameter ListTitle and according to the error mesage the value of the parameter is missing.
Please ensure the value exists and try to hard-code it to avoid any empty variables.
Best regards,
Plumsail team
I do have the list title
I have changed it from the variable to a hardcoded name and that didn't work either. I changed the name to TestLibrary and I get the following error:
Hi @rniles68,
Could you confirm if it's an online or on-premises version?
If it's possible please try to create another test site collection, hardcode the values (try to avoid variables when testing), and then create the library there.
Best regards,
Plumsail team
It is On-Premise, SharePoint 2016
I've hard coded the Library name as TestLibrary and it does not work. I know it will work creating it in the current site collection because I have another workflow that does that already. The Error that I get is "The File or Folder contains characters that are not permitted."
I know that's not right
I started this off with a workflow in the source site collection and one in the destination, The only thing I could not get to work was to have the Workflow in the destination trigger automatically once a list item was created.
Hi @rniles68,
Please share a screenshot with the action settings where you hardcoded the values and got the error "The File or Folder contains characters that are not permitted.". I'll ask our developers to check the case.
Best regards,
Plumsail team
Here is the Error
Here are the Hard coded items
Hi @rniles68,
Sorry for the delay and thanks for waiting!
Please try to change the full URL specified in the field ListPartialUrl to a Partial URL, such as TestLibrary.
To use the action cross-site specify the site URL in the SiteURL field (it looks ok on the screenshot).
Best regards,
Plumsail team
Hello @rniles68,
It's also possible to leave the ListPartialUrl field blank and the URL will be automatically generated.
Let's try this to isolate the issue.
Best regards,
Plumsail team
Removing the URL creates the library in the source site not the destination site as intended. The workflow needs to archive the library that the workflow is initiated on. Create the corresponding library in the Archive site, copy the contents, to the new library in the new site, update the metadata in the catalog and then delete the old library.
The first thing I do is copy the metadata to the new site to a list that categorizes the libraries.
Here is an example of that data
I kick off the workflow from the Source site which is a separate site collection, it seems to have no problem copying the metadata to the destination site, but creating the library in the destination site collection is proving problematic.
Hi @rniles68,
When you remove the ListPartialUrl field value do you keep the SiteUrl?
So, try to keep ListPartialUrl empty but specify the destination site in the SiteUrl parameter.
Leaving the SiteUrl empty will use the current SharePoint site by default.
Best regards,
Plumsail team