CSS Design for List an Libery

Hello everyone,
we aim to customize the appearance of the table displayed in the List and Library Control using CSS. We've observed that it's possible to edit individual columns, like Description. Our goal is to present SharePoint News from different pages in a visually appealing format, including images, author information, and descriptions. To accomplish this, we'd like to hide the table headings, adjust column widths, and specify the size of images, for instance.

Is there a way to achieve this using CSS in Plumsail?
Thank you in advance, with best regards."

Hi @21An,

You can assign a CSS class to the entire field and then add custom CSS for hiding the headings. Here's a useful article: Apply CSS styles to the SharePoint forms — SharePoint forms

As for the columns themselves, here's a useful article on this: Customize view of columns in List or Library — SharePoint forms
You can use this approach to change the size of images (for example, use the tag).

Sadly, specifying column width isn't supported at the moment.

Hello @IliaLazarevskii , thank you for your quick response. I have an additional question

Is it possible to edit the columns in such a way that the column headings are no longer displayed, and the borders are also not displayed?