Data Table data only visible in Edit mode


I have a form that has many data tables. But there is one data table where it's data is only visible in Edit mode. When not in Edit mode, the data is missing.

Any idea why this is happening?


Data visible in 'Edit' mode:

Data NOT visible in View mode:

Hello @ParAvion,

In which field do you save the control's data?

Are you getting errors in the browser console? Please share its screenshot.

Also, could you please share the screenshot of the control settings

Control settings:


Console errors in Chrome:

Hello @ParAvion,

The screenshot of the settings refers to the control in the new or edit form. And on the screenshot from the browser, it is the display form.

Please make sure you select the corresponding field for the 'Save To' property of DataTable control on the display form.

And errors from the console refer to your custom code. You need to check that you are using the correct internal names of fields and controls in the code