Data Table Font Size

I was wondering if there was a way to change the font size within the data table. For example, change all font to size 10. Thanks!

I figured out how to change the font size, but the font size inside the dropdowns did not change. How would you do that?

Hello @ryankohn,

Do you meant the font size of options inside the drop down? If so, try out this CSS:

.k-list .k-item {
   font-size: 24px !important;

Thank you! That worked.

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Is there a place where I can find out all the names of the grid fields? Like, .k-list and .k-item. How would I text-align a number column?

Hello @ryankohn,

You can use the inspect element funcunality to know the element CSS.

You can center align columns content using the CSS:

.fd-form .text-end {
    text-align: center !important;

That didn't work for me, but it's not a big issue. But thank you for your help!


Try out this CSS instead:

.k-grid-content.k-auto-scrollable td {
    text-align: center !important;

That worked! Thanks!

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