I followed this discussion, but I need to populate one column with the number from a field on the form ('TooledCapacity' it's a calculated field stored as number), can you help me how to do it?
var dt_rows = [];
var row1 = {PYear: "1", VolProj: [TooledCapacity]};
fd.control('FA').value = dt_rows;
Is it possible to do the progressive calculation based on the column, If a new row is added the calculation will go like this:
@IliaLazarevskii This was the first thing I tried Column2: fd.field('TooledCapacity').value and it doesn't work - it is not putting the number from the field into that cell. I also tried to point to any other number cell (normal, not calculated) and it doesn't work either.
About calculation I was more expecting something like if the next row is added then the cell is calculated, I don't really want to prepopulate more rows