We use Plumsail Forms for SharePoint (SP 2019) and we are working with dataTable control.
We use this script:
const formatDateInGrid = () => {
const gridWidget = dtConDnyZavozu.widget;
const dataSource = gridWidget.dataSource;
dataSource.data().forEach((item, index, arr) => {
const isDirty = Object.keys(item.dirtyFields).length !== 0;
if (isDirty) {
const dirtyFields = Object.keys(item.dirtyFields);
dirtyFields.forEach((fieldName, fieldIndex) => {
if (fieldName === "zaciarknutie") {
let inputValue = item[fieldName];
if (
inputValue === undefined ||
inputValue.indexOf(":") !== -1 ||
inputValue.trim() === ""
) {
let firstTwoDigits = inputValue.substring(0, 2);
let secondTwoDigits = inputValue.substring(2);
let formattedTime = `${firstTwoDigits}:${secondTwoDigits}`;
item.set(fieldName, formattedTime); // Aktualizace namísto grid.refresh(), aby se focus posouval v řádku na další buňku
// Zajistit že po vyplnění řádku se mi posune focus na další řádek a né na začátek jak do teď
dtConDnyZavozu.$on("change", () => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 200);
In general - when we select a column in the specific row - for example second row, we click on the cell under column and write down "0600". We want from our script to reformat the value to "06:00" (time).
But when we use at the end of reformating:
The focus jumps to the beginning of the dataTable. Is there a way how to handle the focus? When the cell is formatted I need to stay on the same place or jump to another cell in the row.
Is there any way how to achieve this?