Datatable on change:: how to mark selected row with a value and all other rows with other value

I can not find any good way to mark only uniquely selected row in DataTable with a value and all other rows with other value.
For example let dt contains 3 rows and 2 columns (Option and Choice) - default for Choice is No:
Now user selects one row. Let it be first one:
then, user selects another row. Let it be second one:
My goal is to have unique selection among all rows, so when user selects first and then second, then first changes to No:

For the time being I couldn't find the way to know which row users clicked with on change event.

Have you got any smart idea?


Dear @Marcin,
I don't quite get what you mean by selected - there are no selected rows in Data Table, unlike List or Library, where you can select a row. Do you mean which row is being edited at the moment?

There is an option to add this type of fields in column:
My example shows usage of Dropdown.
I have a problem to determine which row is being changed.

Dear @Marcin,
So do you need to detect which row is changed in JavaScript? Or do you specifically want to mark Boolean as true in this row?

Detect which row has changed.
And then change all others to default value - in this example it is 'No'.

I have prepared a solution for on change event:

window.helper = ''  
///rest of code here
fd.control('dt').$on('change', function (modelobj) {
    let tempHelper = helper
    if (tempHelper == ''){
        modelobj.forEach(element => {
            if (element.Choice == 'YES'){
                helpder = element.Option
    } else {
        modelobj.forEach(element =>{
            if (element.Option == tempHelper){
                element.Choice = 'NO'
            } else if (element.Choice == 'YES' && element.Option != tempHelper) {
                helper = element.Option

And I can see that values are correctly updated after each user action, but control doesn't show changes in browser.
Can't find refresh() or equivalent function for datatable.


Dear @Marcin,
Please, try this:

fd.rendered(() => {
	let previousYesOption = null;

	fd.control('dt').$on('change', function(value) {
		let newYesOption = null;
		//find new yes option
		value.forEach(element => {
			if (element.Choice == 'YES' && (!previousYesOption || element.Option != previousYesOption)) {
				newYesOption = element.Option;

		let changeValue = false;
		// if YES changed
		if (previousYesOption && newYesOption) {
		    // set other YES choices to NO, and remember if we should change the value
			value.forEach(element => {
				if (element.Choice == 'YES' && element.Option != newYesOption) {
					element.Choice = 'NO';
					changeValue = true;
		previousYesOption = newYesOption;
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Thank you. With your changes it works great!

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