Date Format Issues

We are experiencing issues with the date formatting fields we are using in our documents. We are using the below fields in our letters which have worked previously but now has stopped working on June 2nd.

{{Date}:format(MMMM d, yyyy)}
{{Date}:offset(1):format(MMMM d, yyyy)}

This is how it now populates in our letters after June 2nd:

Value Value 6/4/2021 9:04:40 PM cannot be converted with
formatter format: Culture is not supported.
Parameter name: name
yyyy is an invalid culture identifier. cannot be converted with
formatter format: Culture is not supported.
Parameter name: name
yyyy is an invalid culture identifier.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue? We currently can't generate our letters to send to clients.

Hello @jbridgeman,

Could you share a screenshot with the JSON?

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hello @jbridgeman,

You can try using this format:


it gives this result

Date: 06.04.2021

This format {{date}:format(yyyy)}


Date: 2021


"date": "6/4/2021 9:04:40 PM"




Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hey Petr,

This is the code:

The problem is we need it to be formatted as June 8, 2021 which worked up until last Tuesday using the following expression:
{{Date}:format(MMMM d, yyyy)}

We have noticed we can change the expression and put periods in like you mentioned and it works but that's not how we want the letters to go out. For the time being on some of our popular templates we have removed the comma between "d, yyyy" and it now works and outputs "June 8 2021" but this isn't the desired result just a work around.

Hi @jbridgeman,

Ok, I'll, discuss the issue with my team and check if something affected the formatter. I'll be in touch a bit later.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hi @jbridgeman,

Please try to use this formatter

{{Date}:format('MMMM d, yyyy')}

it should be working with the JSON

"Date": "6/4/2021 9:04:40 PM"


Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hey Petr,
can you help us understand how / why this changed? This worked for us seamlessly for well over a year and suddenly last week it stopped working. Your fix works well, but this now requires us to go through nearly 200 letters and manually edit all of them.
As a customer, were we notified of this change? I don't recall receiving anything about this change to your product and it has caused a fairly major disruption to our business.
please advise - thanks,

Hello @jsalgado,

Yes, there were some changes: we added a second parameter with culture info to this formatter, and yyyy is recognized as culture info in this case.

I'll discuss your concerns about the changes with my team and we'll make sure to avoid some unpredictable changes in the future. Thanks for cooperating!

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hello @jsalgado,

I discussed the issue with my team and we apologies for the issue. I extended your subscription by 1 week as an apology. You can check the subscription details on in your personal account.

The issue is that after adding the "Culture info" parameter we assumed that it will be used after ',' and in your case yyyy was recognised as a Culture info parameter. We thought that the date will be separated with a dot '.'

We'll apply a small fix that should handle all cases without any errors.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hi Petr,
this fix worked perfectly. I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter as fixing all our documents would have required hours of manual effort. I can confirm this is working as expected again.
have a great day,

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