Dding total of column from another list to a field


I have two lists.

2.Absence. (In a sub-site)

What I want to do is take the total of a field called “daystaken” in the absence and apply the sum of the total to a field called “Absencetotal” in the personnel list. Criteria: Where the employee_name of both lists are the same AND where the “Daysold” field in the Absence List is less than 365. Then run this on a timed workflow.

If anyone can provide an example I would really appreciate this - and on which list should I put the workflow?


Mostly in similar cases you’ll need to get items by Query at first and iterate through them to count total. The example how to do this you may find here.
Then you can use the value to update some field in another list using this action.
You can send us more details on your case to support@plumsail.com

Best regards, Kirill Shaklein.