Difficulty producing report in plumsail

Hi ,
When i upload the template and submit JSONS and when i click download/ preview nothing happens .

Could you please let me know when this issue will be fixed .

Thank you
Hridya Divakaran

Hi @hridyadivakaran,

I tested it in my account and it works ok now.

Please give it a try in the incognito browser mode and let us know if the issue persists.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hi @Petr,

I am getting the same issue. I have tried it in the incognito browser mode and am still getting the same issue. I have also cleared my cache, logged out and back into my account and restarted my computer. However, the issue persists.

Please advise on a fix. Thank you!


Hi @Petr
Still not working for me aswell .
Tried incognito window and in another browser still same issue persist .
Please let me know when this will be fixed .

Thank you
Hridya Divakaran

Hi @hridyadivakaran and @Anita_Tran,

I reported the issuse to our developers, they will check it. Could you also reproduce it and share the browser console log (F12 - console)?

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hi @Petr ,
I have found the issue , and i have emailed to support team of plumsail .
When our team, all of them from @mhs.com, try to upload the template , submit JSON and try to download/preview the report nothing happens.

Then we found out that we could get the rendered report if we use our personal email . So we think the issue is MHS domain being blocked while using plumsail.
I have attached the console log when I use MHS domain .

Thank You
Hridya Divakaran

Hello @hridyadivakaran and @Anita_Tran,

Thanks for the details!

We fixed the issue and it should be working ok now, please check.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

@hridyadivakaran, @Anita_Tran

Sorry for this, the issue was related to the latest release.
We improved the UI but unfortunately added a bug that in some cases may block getting the result of process execution.

Right now we rolled back to the previous version and will fix the issue in the next release. I appreciate your help and am again really sorry for this incident. We will add more automatic tests to prevent this kind of bugs in future.