Display Grouped View in the List and Library Control

How do I configure the Library/List control to display a SharePoint view that is grouped? My understanding is that the library/list control can do that but it does not seem to work for me. Could it be related to the version of Plumsail. The version of Plumsail that I'm using is Plumsail Forms 1.4.8 for SharePoint 2019. The view is grouped by "SOP Title" in SharePoint but it shows similarly to this in the form:

Dear @erob123,
Yes, you likely just need to update the solution as this functionality was added in On-Premises v1.8.7, please, follow the guide here - Update Plumsail Forms On-Premises solution — SharePoint forms

Thank you very much for the response! We'll work on the upgrade and follow-up if we have additional questions regarding this issue.

Hello...so we upgraded to version 1.9.0 but the list or library control is still not showing the grouped view that we created. Is there anything else that we are missing?

Dear @erob123,
What's the version of the app package in app catalog? You need to make sure you also have the latest version uploaded to the app catalog and shared with all sites:
